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St Mary's Primary School, Maguiresbridge, Co Fermanagh


2022/2023 School Year

3rd Apr 2023
Well done to our P7 girls who represented Fermanagh in the Cumann n mBunscol...
31st Mar 2023
Well done to this week's winner of the Mathletics Gold certificate, a fantastic...
31st Mar 2023
Well done to the children who achieved this weeks certificates! They were awarded...
30th Mar 2023
Well done to our pupils, parents and Margaret on the crossing patrol for a fantastic...
29th Mar 2023
The Primary 6 and 7 children got to make their very own Dragon models this morning....
29th Mar 2023
Our Primary Four and Five's had such a fun morning creating beautiful blossom tree...
29th Mar 2023
Our Primary Two's and Three's had a fabulous time creating their very own Chinese...
29th Mar 2023
Our Primary One class had a fantastic morning of creating their own Chinese Zodiac...
29th Mar 2023
Today was a fantastic day of celebrating Chinese culture and utilising the Mandarin...