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St Mary's Primary School, Maguiresbridge, Co Fermanagh

Eco Council

 The Eco Council is designed to help the school help the environment. They meet with the Eco co-ordinator regularly to discuss and plan how to improve our own school environment and the wider world.

Congratulations to the following pupils who have been elected on to the Eco-Council for the 2023/24 school year:

P.7 - Finn McEvoy and Joe Bannon

P.6 -  Fionn Collins and Barry Og McManus 

P.5 - Evie O’Reilly and Fintan Leonard

P.4 - Orla Green and Saorlaith McManus

P.3 - Daisy Murphy and Alice Creevy

24th May 2024
Well done to our pupils, parents and Margaret on the crossing patrol for a fantastic...
2nd May 2024
Primary 2 enjoyed our second Forest School session with Danielle today. We learnt...
1st May 2024
Primary 6 and Primary 7 students enjoyed a very informative talk about Biodiversity...