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St Mary's Primary School, Maguiresbridge, Co Fermanagh


As part of promoting eco-friendly journeys St Mary's is taking part in the Sustrans Active School Travel Programme. The aim of the programme is to increase the number of children who regularly walk, cycle or scoot to school. We proud to announce that in June 2022 St Mary's Primary School was the 3rd school in Fermanagh and the 16th school in N. Ireland to gain the Sustrans Active Travel Gold Award. Congratulations to all our school community in helping us achieve this award. 

24th May 2024
Well done to our pupils, parents and Margaret on the crossing patrol for a fantastic...
20th Dec 2023
Our school took part in the 'The Journey to Santa' challenge from the 4th-15th December....
1st Dec 2023
Children participated in the Daily Mile 'Santa Run' with their class wearing something...